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Council Documents

Access to Information

Publication Scheme

A list of documents regularly published by the council

Statutory Documents

Standing Orders

A rule book for the routine conduct of our meetings and business

Financial Regulations

How the council manages its financial affairs and accounting procedures

Scheme of Delegation

Which decisions are delegated to committees and officers

Code of Conduct

Promotes high standards of behaviour by councillors

Publication Scheme

Information published by the parish council

General Policies

Biodiversity Policy

How the council plans to meet its duty to preserve and enhance biodiversity

Complaints Procedure

What to do when things go wrong

Councillor Allowances and Expenses

Rules for when and how expenses can be claimed

Financial Reserves Policy

How we will determine and review the level of reserves

Internal Controls Policy & Procedure

How the council checks the integrity of its finances

Memorial Benches and Trees

How to apply for a bench or tree in the parish

Press and Media Policy

A guide to our relationship with the press and media

Data Protection

Data Protection Policy

A statement of how we protect personal data

General Privacy Notice

How the council uses your personal data

Document Retention Policy

Guidance on how long the council keeps records

Employment Policies

Disciplinary and grievance procedures

Disciplinary and grievance procedures

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