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Council Documents

Memorial Benches and Trees

Policy and procedure for the installation of memorial benches and trees in the parish.

Published: 28 March 2024

green wooden bench and flowers at daytime

Scope of the Policy

Ilmington Parish Council has received an increasing number of requests from members of the public for memorials to their loved ones to be placed in public areas within the Parish. Often this will be in the form of a bench or other item which not only honours their memory, but provides a beautiful and functional improvement to the local environment.

The Council is generally supportive of allowing memorial benches within the parish. These are often places with which individuals or families have a connection or special relationship. However, there is a need for a consistent approach to the provision of memorial items so that we balance the wishes of donors with usage of public spaces.

What is Covered by the Policy

This policy sets out how Ilmington Parish Council considers requests for memorial benches and other items; who is responsible for their upkeep; what is expected from the donor and the Council; and what happens to the memorial when it reaches the end of its life.

This policy covers requests for new benches and benches already in situ on Parish Council land and replaces any previous policies or agreements, formal or informal.


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