Temporary Closure of D6549 Compton Scorpion Road
Carriageway resurfacing, patching and associated works are now due to finish on Weds 30 November.
Published: 17 November 2022
>> D6549 Compton Scorpion Road letter <<
Warwickshire County Council has made a Temporary Traffic Order details as indicated below:
Effect of Order
Roads closed to vehicular traffic as indicated below:
Compton Scorpion Road – between its junctions with Compton Scorpion Lane and County Boundary.
Compton Scorpion Lane – between its junctions with Darlingscote Road and Compton Scorpion Road.
Reason for Order
Carriageway resurfacing, patching and associated works.
Order Effective from: 24 November 2022 for up to 18 months or until works are completed, whichever is the sooner.
Anticipated Completion Date: 28 November 2022.
Access & Diversion: An alternative route will be signed and is available via: Foxcote Hill Road, Front Street, Armscote Road, Darlingscote Road and vice versa.
Vehicular access & egress will be maintained where possible.
Contractor: Balfour Beatty Tel: 03452 415 302
To report any problems with these works or for further details of our current & planned roadworks visit our website www.warwickshire.gov.uk/roadworksmap or call us 01926 412515.
S Duxbury, Assistant Director of Governance & Policy,
Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RL.
17 November 2022