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Council Business

Ilmington Annual Parish Meeting 2023

Residents are cordially invited to the Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm on Thursday 25 May to hear about what's been going on in the village over the past year.

Published: 20 May 2023

To all Electors of Ilmington Parish,

You are invited to take part in the Annual Parish Meeting to be held at the Village Hall, Ilmington on Thursday 25 May 2023 commencing at 7.00pm.

Karen Peachey
Chairman of Ilmington Parish Council
Dated this day Friday 28 April 2023


The Annual Parish Meeting may by law discuss all parish affairs and pass resolutions on them.

The following matters have been placed on the Agenda.

  1. Welcome remarks
  2. Approval of Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting held on 26 May 2022. Minutes will be taken as read unless there are objections as to their accuracy. Copies of the draft minutes are available online/on request.
  3. Annual Review of the Year:
    1. County Councillor,
    2. District Councillor, and
    3. Ilmington Parish Council
  4. To receive reports from Ilmington clubs and organisations including: Village Hall Trustees, Pavilion Association, Ilmington Tennis Club, Ilmington Show Committee, Ilmington 20:20 & Wildlife Committee.
  5. Public question time: Residents are requested to submit any questions in advance to
  6. Close of the meeting



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