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Grace’s Playground Appeal

Ilmington Parish Council has launched a crowdfunding campaign for the renovation of Grace's Playground.

Published: 20 February 2023

Ilmington Playing Fields were gifted to the village in 1949 and include a well-equipped children’s play area. Unfortunately, a number of items of equipment date from the original installation and have been condemned. Newer timber equipment is also starting to fail. Three items of equipment have been decommissioned for safety reasons

The playground is much larger than would be expected for a village the size of Ilmington and its maintenance puts a lot of pressure on the budget of a small parish. Visitors from nearby towns and villages also enjoy the playground and we would like to invite everyone – residents and visitors alike – to contribute towards its maintenance and renewal.

Help us restore the playground to its former glory!

Visit our campaign on Crowdfunder to make a donation:

The Parish Council is keen to explore all possible options for raising funds. Please get in touch if you are interested in volunteering to help with our fundraising efforts.

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