Council Meeting – 31 October 2024
- Apologies for Absence
- Declaration of Interests
- County and District Council Reports
- Public Forum: Members of the public are invited to address Council on any relevant matter for max. 3 minutes per person. 15 minutes in total is allocated to this item.
- Confirmation of Minutes: To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2024.
- Planning Applications:
6.1 To note planning decisions at variance with the views of the Parish Council.
6.2 To consider email from the Case Officer requesting the Parish Council to reconsider its objection to application 24/01968/FUL: Land Off Armscote Road Ilmington – Proposed car port plot 2.
To agree comments on planning applications:
6.3 24/02413/TREE: Lantern Cottage Front Street Ilmington Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4LX – T1 and T2 – Leylandii – Fell. Comments due by 24 Oct.
6.4 Any applications notified since publication of the agenda. - Ilmington Road Safety Group: To receive a progress report now that all road speed data has been collected, and approve a £500 deposit to Highways in order to progress a 20mph zone in the village.
- Grace’s Playground:
8.1To receive the post-installation inspection report for the new slide on the mound, and consider actions arising.
Ilmington Parish Council PlayArea-17-10-2024-2513328-POST-ESPScotlandLtd.pdf
8.2 To receive the Annual Playground inspection report and consider actions arising.
Ilmington_Playing_Field07-10-2024_14-16-27_SI0000268640.pdf - Playing Fields:
9.1 To consider quotations for fencing the dog exercise /overflow parking area.
9.2 To consider quotations for the height barrier.
9.3 To approve additional cuts of the playing field. - Ilmington Pavilion
10.1 To consider quotation to replace broken window unit.
10.2 To agree fees for use of the facilities by Tempo Events. - Ilmington Community Micro Wood:
To report that Warwickshire CC is unable to proceed with the Micro Wood (Minute 8 of 28 March 2024 refers), and consider if there are any alternative sites. - Tree Planting: To finalise details of tree planting at Grace’s Playground using CIL Project grant.
Proposed-Tree-Planting-October-2024.pdf - Pond Restoration: To approve submission of Lottery bid for Wildlife Group Pond Restoration project.
Lottery-Bid-pond-restoration-project-r.-211024.pdf - Wildflower Areas:
14.1 To consider options for cutting and collecting the wildflower area(s).
14.2 To note that WWT plans to seed new wildflower areas on 28 November.
14.3 To consider request for £200 for white tipped posts to outline wildflower areas.
14.4 To consider how to evaluate and learn from the wildflower initiative. - Finance & Admin:
15.1 To note income received of £451.64 (credit interest) £18.42 (wayleaves) and £257.64 (grant for Water Testing Group).
15.2 To approve the bank reconciliation to 30 September 2024.
15.3 To receive the budget monitoring report.
15.4 To note the NJC pay award for 2024-25 has been agreed and applied.
15.5 To approve payments as per the schedule below. - Member Reports
Report(s) by any members who attended any meeting or event on behalf of Council. - Correspondence: To receive and consider any actions arising:
17.1 Request to erect a ‘Please slow down, cats crossing’ sign on the grass verge where Back Street meets Mickleton Road.
17.2 Applications for Ilmington Show disbursements, deadline 6th November.
Ilmington-Show-Support-Request-Application-Form-2024.pdf - Future Agenda Items: To receive information about future items of business (for information only).
- Next Meeting: Scheduled for Thursday 28 November, 7:30pm in Ilmington Community Shop Café.