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Council Meeting – 28 November 2024

The business to be transacted at the meeting is as follows:

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declaration of Interests
  3. County and District Council Reports
  4. Public Forum: Members of the public are invited to address Council on any relevant matter for max. 3 minutes per person. 15 minutes in total is allocated to this item.
  5. Confirmation of Minutes
    To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 31 October 2024.
    Draft Minutes of 31 October 2024
  6. Planning Applications:
    6.1      To note planning decisions at variance with the views of the Parish Council.
    To agree comments on planning applications:
    6.2      24/02238/FUL and 24/02240/LBC: The Hill Farm Hurdlers Lane Ilmington Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4PT – Re-construct storm-damaged section of pre-existing garden wall, including archway, using reclaimed bricks, stone copings and lime mortar. Comments due by 26 Nov.
    6.3      Any applications notified since publication of the agenda.
  7. Grace’s Playground
    7.1      To review response from ESP regarding the post-installation inspection and determine further actions.
    7.2      To receive the routine inspection report(s) and consider any actions arising.
  8. Ilmington Pavilion
    8.1      To note that the Management Agreement with Ilmington Pavilion Association ended of 31 October, and the Parish Council is now responsible for external hire.
    8.2      To approve a booking request form and terms and conditions of hire.
    Ilmington Pavilion Booking Enquiry Form
    Ilmington Pavilion TC of Hire
    8.3      To agree fees for use of the facilities by external hirers.
    8.4      To receive an update from the Pavilion Transition Committee on a meeting to review the Ilmington Pavilion Association Constitution, and consider next steps.
  9. Ilmington Playing Field
    9.1      To consider an event application from Rotary Club of Shipston on Stour for the Tour d’Ilmington on 13 July 2025.
    9.2      To consider quotation to cut back trees over the storage shed.
    9.3      To agree to exercise the option to extend the mowing contracts by one year.
  10. War Memorial [Minute 11 of 25 April 2024 refers.]
    To review the proposal to build a low wall and steps leading to the War Memorial on Upper Green and clarify whether or not the safety concerns have been addressed.
  11. Wildflower Areas
    To consider request for £200 for white tipped posts to outline wildflower areas.
  12. Finance & Admin:
    12.1  To note income received of £10.38 (wayleaves).
    12.2  To approve the bank reconciliation to 31 October 2024.
    12.3  To receive the budget monitoring report.
    Detailed receipts and payments report
    12.4  To approve payments as per the schedule below.
    12.5  To note the ongoing councillor vacancy and agree how to advertise the vacancy.
    How do I co-opt a councillor
  13. Budget 2025-26:
    To review first draft of the budget and consider which projects might be taken forward in the budget for 2025-26.
  14. Member Reports
    Report(s) by any members who attended any meeting or event on behalf of Council.
  15. Correspondence: To receive and consider any actions arising:
    15.1  Ladbroke village campaign re an unauthorised traveller camp at Windmill Lane.
    Help Ladbroke poster
    15.2  Complaint to WCC about changes to the 51 Bus Route to Stratford on Avon.
    15.3  Government Consultation on enabling remote meetings and proxy voting.
    Open consultation: Enabling remote attendance …
  16. Future Agenda Items
    To receive information about future items of business (for information only).
    Already noted: signage for the dog exercise / overflow parking area.
  17. Staff Matters:
    17.1  To appoint a councillor to carry out the Clerk’s annual appraisal.
    17.2  To exclude press and public in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 owing to the confidential nature of business.
    17.3  To review Clerk’s working hours and consider overtime request.
    17.4  To approval annual leave request for January 2025.
  18. Next Meeting
    Proposed for Thursday 23 January 2025, 7:30pm in Ilmington Community Shop Café. (Note this is the fourth Thursday, not the last Thursday of the month).


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